Cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) is the most beautiful kind of tetra to be found and maintained by akuarist in the aquarium. These fish grow to about 5 cm .. They come from the Peruvian Amazon rivers which are often found swimming in groups up to hundreds of thousands of tail number. Fish Neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) is a close relative cardinal tetra fish, but less so beautiful when compared to the cardinal fish. In the neon tetra fish, a red line that ran not forwarded to the abdominal area (abdominal) and the blue lines do not cover the whole back area, while the cardinal tetra fish two lines crisscrossing prominently covered the entire body, thus providing a very beautiful color on this fish. Unfortunately cardinal fish less so quick to adapt when compared with her cousin, so often faster die if conditions are not optimum aquarium or water conditions are not suited to their needs, such as pH levels are too high. This fish was discovered by DR. Herbert R. Axelrod in 1955, so to honor him, speciesnya name taken from his name (P. Axelrodi).

The condition of the water where these fish live does not contain minerals, because most of the water comes from rain water, therefore water conditions in the aquarium if you want to keep this fish should be the same as in landscape. In its natural, neon or cardinal tetra fish is a prey for fish, bigger fish, like fish, angelfish and other types of racing, but so far the author has never met obstacles and maintain the kind of angelfish and neon tetra cardinal in an aquarium. If you want to maintain the cardinal tetra fish, aquarium should be prepared for a long time, in other words aquarium conditions is stable and water conditions are quite 'old', and the water has low pH levels. Water conditions greatly affect the survival of these fish. Neon tetra otherwise more easily adapt to the conditions of the all-new aquarium. An easy way to get water conditions ideal for the cardinal fish (and other tetra species) is by mixing extracts of "Blackwater" into the aquarium water. Products such as tetra blackwater aquavital and it is good to get a blackwater conditions. Another way that is cheaper is to use a leaf decoction ketapan. The recommended aquarium setup is to use substrate (sand), dark, with bright colors so this fish will appear in full. Crop water should be pretty much used to lure fish guts are swimming in open waters.
Cardinal tetra male is easily distinguished from the female. Female fish greater stature and fat filled with eggs, while males more slender. Cardinal male also has a pointed anal fin is white. If you want breeding of this fish, water pH should be low. Hardness levels should be less than 10 ppm, and pH levels should be in the range of 6.5. The ideal temperature for breeding of this fish is about 24 - 26c. The aquarium can be empty or there is a mixture of java moss as a place to seed later when the eggs are hatched.
Parent must be conditioned to be fed a lot to stimulate to want to spawn. Aquarium lighting should be dim, because the eggs of these fish are very sensitive to light. If the parent is laying eggs, they had to be removed so as not to prey burayaknya. The eggs will hatch in 24 hours. When the seed is free swimming they can be fed infusoria. If in two days have not found any eggs, the parent should be moved to be conditioned for several days before spawning again do business.
Cardinal tetra is a seasonal fish in the Amazon, this fish is very abundant in waters Rio Negro - Amazon. Cardinal tetra covers almost 80% of fish are exported to the market of natural catches on amazon. These fish can be caught only in the dry season when water levels were receding, although brief, fish caught in the millions tail number. Currently, the Brazilian government is running the program PIABA, a kind of extension program for fish farmers to understand the importance of nature conservation. With this program, the fish farmers diaharapkan will understand the importance of cardinal fish as fish food in the chain of the ecosystem. PIABA Program Prohibit catch fish farmers and fish in the breeding season or during the period adjacent to the number of fish can be restored.
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